9th Beer and Health SymposiumProgramme
From 08:00 Registrations and welcome coffee
09:00 – Opening by the president of the organizing committee
Prof. Ascension Marcos, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
09:05 – Keynote speech: Beer, Pubs, Sociality and Society
Dr. Thomas Thurnell-Read, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
SESSION 1: (Non-alcoholic) beer in daily life
Prof. Frans Kok, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
09:25 – Micronutrients, minerals and polyphenols in non-alcoholic and low alcoholic beer
Dr. Patrycia Kupnicka, Pomeranian Medical University, Poland
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
09:55 – Beer, alcohol, gender and the stomach
Dr. Guido Camps, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
10:25 – Alcohol-free beer as a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution for sportsmen
Prof. Alexander Jäger, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
10:55 – 11:30 Coffee break
SESSION 2: Health effects of moderate alcohol consumption
Prof. Jan Frank, University of Hohenheim, Germany
11:30 – What about cancer risk and alcohol consumption?
Dr Henk Hendriks
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
12:00 – Moderate alcohol consumption and lower total mortality risk: justified doubts or established facts?
Dr Simona Costanzo, IRCCS Neuromed, Italy
BiographyAbstractPresentationsInterviewVideo Presentation
12:30 –13:45 Lunch break + poster session
14:00 – Alcohol Myths: Don’t Fear the Beer (or Say “Nein” to Wine)
Dr. Alex Berezow, Scientific Affairs for the American Council on Science and Health, United States
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
SESSION 3: Beer, women and health
Dr. Simona Costanzo, IRCCS Neuromed, Italy
14:20 – Effects of moderate beer consumption on osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
Dr. Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventós, University of Barcelona, Spain
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
14:50 – Alcohol consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality and later onset of menopause in women
Dr Taulant Muka
BiographyAbstractPresentationsVideo PresentationInterview
Dr. Alex Berezow, Scientific Affairs for the American Council on Science and Health, United States
15:20 – Panel debate
Prof. Ascension Marcos, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
15:55 – 17:00 Network drinks