
9th Beer and Health Symposium
9th Beer and Healt Symposium – Highlights

9th Beer and Healt Symposium – Highlights

Dr. Simona Costanzo – Moderate alcohol consumption and lower total mortality risk: justified doubts or established facts?

Dr. Simona Costanzo – Moderate alcohol consumption and lower total mortality risk: justified doubts or established facts?

Dr. Emilia Ruggiero –  Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with reduced low-grade inflammation: results from the Moli-sani Study

Dr. Emilia Ruggiero – Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with reduced low-grade inflammation: results from the Moli-sani Study

Interview of Dr. Simona Costanzo at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Simona Costanzo at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Emilia Ruggiero at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Emilia Ruggiero at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Taulant Muka at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Taulant Muka at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Ascension Marcos at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Ascension Marcos at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Rosa Lamuela-Raventos at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Rosa Lamuela-Raventos at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Alexander Jäger at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Alexander Jäger at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Thomas Thurnell-Read at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Thomas Thurnell-Read at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Henk Hendriks at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Henk Hendriks at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Alex Berezow at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Alex Berezow at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Patricia Kupnicka at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Interview of Dr. Patricia Kupnicka at the 9th Beer and Health Symposium

Dr. Thomas Thurnell-Read – Beer, Pubs, Sociality and Society

Dr. Thomas Thurnell-Read – Beer, Pubs, Sociality and Society

Prof. A Jäger – Alcohol-free beer as a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution for sportsmen

Prof. A Jäger – Alcohol-free beer as a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution for sportsmen

Dr. Henk Hendriks – What about cancer risk and alcohol consumption?

Dr. Henk Hendriks – What about cancer risk and alcohol consumption?

Dr. Alex Berezow – Alcohol Myths: Don’t Fear the Beer (or Say “Nein” to Wine)

Dr. Alex Berezow – Alcohol Myths: Don’t Fear the Beer (or Say “Nein” to Wine)

Dr. Lamuela-Raventós – Effects of moderate beer consumption on osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

Dr. Lamuela-Raventós – Effects of moderate beer consumption on osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

Dr. T. Muka – Alcohol consumption & risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality…

Dr. T. Muka – Alcohol consumption & risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality…

Dr. P. Kupnicka – Micronutrients, minerals and polyphenols in non-alcoholic and low alcoholic beer

Dr. P. Kupnicka – Micronutrients, minerals and polyphenols in non-alcoholic and low alcoholic beer

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