9th Beer and Health SymposiumDr. Thomas Thurnell-Read
Beer, Pubs, Sociality and Society
Video Presentation
Dr. Patrycja Kupnicka
Micronutrients, minerals and polyphenols in non-alcoholic and low alcoholic beer
Prof. Alexander Jäger
Alcohol-free beer as a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution for sportsmen
Dr. Henk Hendriks
What about cancer risk and alcohol consumption?
Dr. Simona Costanzo
Moderate alcohol consumption and lower total mortality risk: justified doubts or established facts?
Dr. Alex Berezow
Alcohol Myths: Don’t Fear the Beer (or Say “Nein” to Wine)
Dr. Rosa Lamuela-Raventós
Effects of moderate beer consumption on osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
Dr. Taulant Muka
Alcohol consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease, mortality and later onset of menopause in women