
Meta-analysis finds small decreased risk of colorectal cancer for moderate drinkers

Meta-analysis finds small decreased risk of colorectal cancer for moderate drinkers

It is well-established that heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of certain cancer types, including colorectal cancer. But the effect of moderate alcohol consumption is less clear. A recent meta-analysis, published in International Journal of Cancer, found a J-shaped relation between alcohol consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer, suggesting a small protective effect of drinking less than three alcoholic consumptions a day.

More research needed on alcohol and osteoporosis

More research needed on alcohol and osteoporosis

A new meta-analysis suggests that 1-2 drinks a day increases the risk of osteoporosis with 34% compared to abstainers. With 2 or more drinks a day, the risk increases to 63%. Sounds pretty much! But is it true? The article is published in the scientific journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, but has so many shortcomings that it actually only highlights the confusion there can be about osteoporosis.

Alcohol consumption associated with decreased risk of gallstone disease

Alcohol consumption associated with decreased risk of gallstone disease

Could alcohol consumption decrease the risk of gallstone disease? A recent meta-analysis, published in the scientific journal Gut and Liver, confirms that alcohol consumption is associated with a decreased risk of gallstone disease; indicating alcohol could have a preventive effect. But whether there is an optimal alcohol dose remains unclear.

Consistent moderate drinking pattern associated with lower risk for heart disease

Consistent moderate drinking pattern associated with lower risk for heart disease

The J-shaped curve between alcohol consumption and coronary heart disease has been challenged in many ways. According to a meta-analysis examining long-term data from 35.000 people, moderate alcohol consumption is indeed associated with a lower risk for coronary heart disease compared to non-drinking. However, results suggest consistency matters. When people have an unstable drinking pattern over time, there is an elevated risk at heart disease. The article was published in the scientific journal BMC Medicine.

Meta-analysis finds association between alcohol consumption and food energy intake

Meta-analysis finds association between alcohol consumption and food energy intake

Does alcohol consumption make you eat more? And is there a difference is dose-response? A recent systematic review and meta-analysis1, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, tried to find answers to these questions. The results suggest that even relatively modest alcohol consumption may lead to an increase in food consumption.

Light to moderate alcohol consumption associated with decreased risk of dementia

Light to moderate alcohol consumption associated with decreased risk of dementia

Alcohol has been identified as one of the risk factor for dementia and cognitive decline. However, it might not be this black and white, as moderate consumption has been associated with beneficial effects. A recent scoping review looked at the evidence of 28 systematic reviews to get a better understanding of this possible dose-response relationship. The study was published in the scientific journal Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy.

Meta-analysis finds association between alcohol consumption and tuberculosis

Meta-analysis finds association between alcohol consumption and tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a major health problem in low and middle income countries. A new meta-analysis, published in the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, investigates the association between alcohol consumption and tuberculosis. Based on mainly Asian data, results show that alcohol is an important risk factor for tuberculosis.

Moderate alcohol consumption might lower the risk of erectile dysfunction

Moderate alcohol consumption might lower the risk of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the most frequently diagnosed sexual dysfunction among older men. A new meta-analysis investigating the association between alcohol consumption and erectile dysfunction is published in the International Journal of Impotence Research. Results show that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a lower risk of erectile dysfunction. Underlying mechanisms might be related to mechanisms in cardiovascular disease.

New study investigates association between alcohol and lung cancer among smokers

New study investigates association between alcohol and lung cancer among smokers

The association between alcohol consumption and lung cancer is still unclear. A new study investigates this association and also looks at the interaction of alcohol and smoking. Results show that alcohol consumption does not increase the risk of lung cancer. The combination of alcohol and smoking is associated with a strong increase in the risk of lung cancer. The study is recently published in the scientific journal Cancer Epidemiology.

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