The fifth translation of the Beer and Health booklet looks a bit different than the previous ones, but the content is the same. This German version of the booklet was made in cooperation with Verlagshaus der Ärzte from Austria. It has the title “Bier & Gesundheit...
The best way to look after your heart is to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. For healthy adults, moderate beer consumption can be part of this balanced way of living. Current scientific research indicates that drinking beer in moderation may have a positive effect...
The fourth translation of the Beer and Health booklet is finished. This Slovenian version has the title “Pivo in zdravje – Zmerno uživanje piva kot del zdravega načina življenja”. The Slovenian translation can be obtained in clicking...
The third translation of the Beer and Health booklet is finished. This Finnish version has the title “Olut ja terveys – Kohtuukäyttö osana terveitä elintapoja”. The Finnish translation can be obtained in clicking...
The second translation of the Beer and Health booklet is finished. This Romanian version has the title “Berea şi sănătatea – Consumul moderat ca parte a unui stil de viaţă sănăto”. The Romanian Centre for Studies on Beer, Health & Nutrition...
The Beer and Health booklet has been translated into Dutch. This is the first translation of the booklet. More will follow. All translation will be posted on this website. “Bier en Gezondheid: Matige consumptie als onderdeel van een gezonde levensstijl”...