by | Apr 20, 2017 | 8th European Beer and Health Symposium, News, Press Releases |
Today in Brussels, European and international scientists presented the latest findings on the relationship between moderate beer consumption and health, confirming that, when consumed responsibly, beer could play a role in a healthy and balanced diet. Twelve experts...
by | Mar 27, 2017 | 8th European Beer and Health Symposium, News |
The abstracts of the Symposium’s presentations as well as the biography of the speakers are now available on the Symposium’s webpage! If you are interested in joining the Symposium and want to have a final look at the programme, click on the button below. By clicking...
by | Mar 20, 2017 | 8th European Beer and Health Symposium, News |
The Programme of the 8th European Beer and Health Symposium, which will be held on the 20th of April 2017, has been released! High-level scientists will gather to address and challenge the established effects of moderate beer consumption in light of recent evolutions...
by | Oct 19, 2016 | 8th European Beer and Health Symposium |
The Organising Committee working on the 8th edition of the European Beer and Health Symposium 8th European Beer and Health Symposium Brussels 8th Beer and Health SymposiumWelcome Programme Photo Gallery Speakers Practical Information Organising Committee Latest...