by | Jul 8, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
There is a lot of false information going around on the internet and in the media about nutrition and health. This is definitely also the case for alcohol. What can we still believe? Dr. Alex Berezow is a professional science writer and Vice President of Scientific...
by | Jul 5, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
Can alcohol-free beer be used as an alternative sports drink? Prof. Alexander Jäger is an expert on this topic and will be speaking at the Beer and Health Symposium. He is not only a professor in Microbiology, Bioenergy and Brewing Technology at the University of...
by | Jul 4, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
Beer is made of water, malted cereals, hops and yeast. But what do these ingredients contribute to the micronutrients, minerals and polyphenols content in beer? And is this different for non-alcoholic beer? Dr. Patrycja Kupnicka from Pomeranian Medical University,...
by | Jul 2, 2019 | News |
There are multiple known risk factors for bladder cancer, such as smoking or the male gender. But the role of dietary factors like alcohol consumption is less clear. Urology experts try to gain more insight into the relationship between alcohol and bladder cancer with...
by | Jul 1, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium, News |
Do you want to find out and discuss the latest insights regarding the health effects of moderate alcohol/beer consumption? Registration for the 9th European Beer and Health Symposium is now open! The symposium will take place on Tuesday the 24th of September 2019 in...