mennessä | elo 29, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium, News |
The full programme of the 9th edition of the European Beer and Health Symposium, to be held on the 24th of September 2019 in Brussels, at the Académie des Sciences, is now complete! You can discover it here. Dr. Thomas Thurnell-Read will open the Symposium by...
mennessä | elo 28, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
Dr Rosa Lamuela-Raventós will present the preliminary results of a clinical trial currently assessing the effects of moderate and regular beer consumption with and without alcohol (that contain phytoestrogens and other compounds such as silicon that have an effect on...
mennessä | elo 27, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
Dr Simona Costanzo will question, in her presentation, the most recent evidence about the impact of moderate alcohol consumption on total mortality risk to give an answer on the J-shaped curve which is currently debated by parts of the scientific and medical...
mennessä | elo 26, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
Dr Taulant Muka will deliver a presentation on alcohol intake, menopause onset and risk of cardiovascular disease in women based on two systematic reviews and on a meta-analysis. Modifiable risk factors such as alcohol intake are suggested to influence age at natural...
mennessä | elo 23, 2019 | 9th European Beer and Health Symposium |
As a nutrition researcher, Dr Henk Hendriks has been involved in many clinical trials studying the effects of moderate beer consumption on health of men and women of various ages. He will deliver an overview presentation on the relation between alcohol consumption,...