door | apr 27, 2020 | News |
In these turbulent and uncertain times, stories quickly circulate about the COVID-19 virus, whether they are true or not. This also applies to its relation with alcohol consumption. The WHO has released a report1 that debunks a couple of myths. Myth: Consuming alcohol...
door | jan 30, 2020 | News |
Does alcohol consumption influence the risk of depression? A recent meta-analysis1, published in the scientific journal Addiction, finds a J-shaped relation: low alcohol consumption is associated with a lower risk of depression, and with high alcohol consumption the...
door | jan 27, 2020 | News |
Previous research found that moderate alcohol consumption can lead to an increase in food energy intake. But what about the intake of specific macronutrients such as carbs, fat and protein? A recent systematic review1, published in Obesity Reviews, found that there...
door | jan 13, 2020 | News |
High alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk to develop hypertension. But a recent meta-analysis1, published in The Korean Association of Internal Medicine, finds that for Asian men an increased risk is already present when drinking less than two...
door | dec 19, 2019 | News |
Heavy chronic alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for developing liver cirrhosis. According to the Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health from the WHO, about half of the liver cirrhosis burden of morbidity and mortality would disappear in a world without...